Updates for 2023

Hello all, not sure how many reads my blog, since haven’t been updating for looooong time. Work amd life takes so much time and energy, so writing a blog been totally forgotten… so i try to activate myself more with this. So for the hiking people who reads my blog, this update is 99% ham…

Field day number two

So today i wanted to do better than yesterday. Only one qso so wanted to have few more… Morning started with rain, but sky cleared at 11am. I drove to same places as yesterday, got all packed better this time. I had also old dipole which came with previous Yaesu FT-897D rig. Wanted to test…

First portable operation day

I had Yaesu FT-897D as my first rig, which was a loaner from my club. I didn’t like that so much, even it was a great and rugged rig with LDG tuner. So i got myself a Xiegu G90 finally, it was few days used but still a good price. Funny thing was, that i…

Got my licence!

I had long time a thought, that i want to go to ham radio course. I have been interested radiotechnology for some time already, so would be fun to contact people around the world in so called ”old fashion way”. But when i lived in Tampere, i always missed those. So finally, here in south…

My favorite national park, Päijänne

It was a long time since i was hanging somewhere. Mainly two reasons for that, one is my sleep apnea. I just can’t sleep well. Could say that i fear for falling in sleep, because of snoring and not breathing. Other reason is my achilles tendon, which have been painful time to time. Allthou my…

Geocaching lapland

What’s going on, it’s been awhile since the last time i wrote here. We have been active geocachers last year with over 1100 caches in 2019! So what else been going on? Been slacking with writing a lot, but decided that it’s about time to write something. So here it is, trip report from our…

Canoeing to Kelvenne

I’ve been eager to try my new canoe for some time. Also wanted to test it at the Päijänne National Park, which is my favorite places. We discuss about it with Niko and decided to go there. Problems occured like flu, money and Niko wasn’t sure if he can come. Friday evening all was set…

Winter hammock meeting at the Verla

Long time no see! Haven’t written for awhile, because of many things… back problems been causing problems, work have kept me busy. Moved to Kellokoski from Tampere on March, living together with my girlfriend Johanna and her two swedish vallhunds. Well, Tentsile Tony Tavi wanted to have an hammock meeting at Verla, whick is a…

4 days canoeing at the Päijänne Nationalpark

Since last years trip to Kelvenne island at the Päijänne Nationalpark, been wanting to go back and rent a canoe or kayak. You can read about kelvenne trip from here : Kelvenne hammock meeting or watch the video, which has some parts in finnish. Early June talked with my friend Tuukka, and he wanted to join too….

Beautiful Pukala

My friend Lev had some time for going out, so we choose the Pukala, where we have been couple of times before. This place locates near the Orivesi, we had around one hour drive from Tampere. Also one other friend will be there a bit later, so we bought lots of food and Lev was…